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Our Policy

Over the Rainbow accepts quality, current, clean, brand-name items in excellent condition. Please launder and sanitize all items prior to drop off.

Items with stains or broken parts will not be accepted at drop-off.

Ask yourself: Would I purchase this item?

Making & Printing Tags

  • Descriptions are important. Brand should go on line 1 & a good description on line 2

  • “Quantity” refers to more than one of the EXACT SAME item with EXACT SAME price.

  • White CARDSTOCK Paper is the only color that can be used for tags.



Total Item Limit

A consignor may sell a total of 400 items. A consignor may only sell over 400 items if they register a second consignor number for those additional items.

Shoes Limit

Limited to 25 pairs of clean, high quality shoes per consignor.


Clothing Limit

200 total children’s hanging clothing items may be sold. Pieces may be combined on one hanger to make a set. 


Dollar Amount

The minimum dollar amount of an item is $3. We suggest grouping items together such as books, hair accessories, and even outfits to increase the chance of selling!


Unaccepted Items

 Items that do not meet our criteria will be removed from the sales floor and returned at consignor pick up, if not marked to be donated. Please check safety recalls on all baby gear and baby furniture prior to tagging your items.

Attaching Tags

  • Use a safety pin or tagging gun to attach tags to clothing. Use clear packing tape to attach tags to toys, books and other items. Be sure to place books in a large ziplock and not to tape tags directly on to the book as it will likely cause damage to the book for your buyer.

  • Wire hangers are the cheapest hanger option and can be purchased in bulk on Amazon and from other retailers.

  • Tape is only for plastic or hard items!

  • Put the tag in the SEAM or in the manufacturer’s tag. DON”T make a hole in the center of the item.

  • Test the tag: if it’ll fall off at home, it’ll fall off at the sale.

  • Large Items too hard to carry: bring the tag with you & attach to a Claim Ticket at drop off (these will be provided)

Pricing Your Items to Sell

  • Shoppers decide what they’ll buy

  • What would YOU pay for the item?

  • Price, Age, Condition: how shoppers decide

  • Bundle outfits and more than 1 item together (you use less hangers, less tags to print and high chance of selling).

  • Prices begin @ $3. Bundle items to increase value. Books should almost always be $3.00 and ideally in a bundle of several books.

  • DISCOUNT IT: select the discount box so it’ll be discounted on the last days, if it hasn’t sold.

  • Check out this pricing guide for help.

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